Google Analytics

  • We measure and analyze the traffic on your pages in order to increase the number of your visitors

Google Analytics is the standard when it comes to web analytics tools. It doesn't matter if you have a blog with 100 visitors a day or a blog with 100 million views a day, you must have some tool to help you track traffic. Start the web offers the services of analyzing your traffic in order to increase the overall traffic based on the obtained statistical data.

Google Analytics is a tool for ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT of traffic on websites. This tool gives us insight into various data such as basic information about visitors, what is the location of visitors to the site, the ways in which visitors reached the website, what specifically they are looking for on the website, how much time they spend on certain content, the frequency of visiting the website , etc.

Google Analytics is very useful for all types of websites, e-commerce, and also significantly helps the SEO optimization of the website.


Demographic information about website visitors (age, gender, location, etc.)

The ways in which visitors reached the website (e.g. through social networks, through Google ads, Google search, newsletter, etc.)

Information about the activities of visitors on the website (time spent on certain content, the most interesting content for visitors, etc.)

Information about conversions (simplified conversion is the conversion of website visitors into customers or clients). Traffic analysis on websites is an essential part of digital marketing, and the information we collect with the Google Analytics tool can be used in subsequent web optimization. If you haven't already started with Google Analytics, it's time to find out how to use this free tool, and how to get the most out of all the information that the tool provides.

Google Analytics is relatively easy to connect to a website, but knowledge is essential in order to correctly interpret all the data that this tool provides us. It is recommended for all business entities to connect websites with the Google Analytics tool so that they can monitor the success of the website through analytics.